
Basil is a popular, fragrant herb with a variety of culinary uses. There are actually over 100 varieties of basil that all have slightly different tastes basil plants grow easily indoors. Sufficient amounts of sun and water are the key ingredients in getting your basil to thrive no matter where you plant it. Basil needs nutrient-rich soil that is able to drain water easily in order to grow into a healthy plant


To begin growing chives indoors, fill a 6 inch (15 cm) clay pot with well-draining potting medium which you have pre-moistened. Soil should form a ball when squeezed, but not be soggy or dripping water. Broadcast seeds over the pre-moistened medium and cover with a fine layer of the pre-moistened soil, about ¼ inch (1 cm) deep. Place in the lighted area. Seeds may be kept moist until germination with a mist of water. Chives germinate within two weeks, often more quickly. Growing chives indoors offers a handy and easy way to season your food and brighten your space.


 Prepare soil by adding some compost or other organic matter to the planting pot. Cilantro grows a taproot and is best sown in place outdoors. If you start seed indoors be careful not to disturb the taproot at transplanting time. Start seeds in individual pots about the time of the last spring frost for transplanting out in about four weeks. Seeds germinate in 10 to 14 days. Sow seed in the garden in spring about 2 to 3 weeks after the last frost. Sow cilantro seeds ¼ inch (1 cm) deep directly in the garden in late spring or early summer. Time late plantings so that harvest comes before the first hard frost. Cilantro will die back in freezing weather. Succession plant cilantro every two weeks for a continuous supply of leaves.


Fill chosen containers (should be with 4 – 6 inch (10 – 15 cm) of space and a depth of about 8 inches (20 cm)) pre-moistened potting soil, tamping it down slightly to remove any large air pockets. This prevents the potting soil from settling over time. Scatter seeds across the top of the potting soil and then cover with a small amount of potting soil, or sow them directly into the soil no more than ¼ inch (1 cm) deep. Keep the potting soil slightly damp by misting it with a spray bottle and place in a location where the container won’t be disturbed until the seeds germinate. After plants germinate and reach a couple of inches (5 cm) tall, thin seedlings to 9-12 inches (22 – 30 cm) apart. Each dill plant produces a substantial amount of leaves and seeds;


Planting fennel by seed is the easiest option. Fennel grows a taproot and is best sown in place. If started indoors, plant in individual peat pots so that taproots are not disturbed at transplanting. Sow seed indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost. Sow fennel in Plant fennel in well-drained compost-rich soil. Best is to sow each seed in individual pots. If there is no possibility plant the seeds approximately ten inches (25 cm) apart and cover them with a light layer of soil, about 1⁄8 inch (0.3 cm) deep. It’s probably a good idea to plant a few more seeds than you need, then thin them out later.


Start indoors in plug trays from February to April. Starting indoors is more reliable than direct sowing. Marjoram seeds are dust-like, so handle them with care. Prepare your containers or trays using sterilized soil, and water the mix. Then try to distribute the tiny seeds evenly on the surface of the wet soil. Do not bury them. You can lightly sprinkle some soil over them. As seedlings grow, reduce watering so that the soil is only just damp, never wet. Grow in a sunny and warm spot. Seed germination is slow, about two weeks. When germinated thin or transplant leaving 10 feet (25 cm) between plants.


You can start sowing mint seed in containers or flats or in prepared garden soil. Sow seeds ¼ inch (1 cm) deep. The seeds are tiny, but you can space them with a seed injector or simply thin the seedlings once germinated. Expect germination in 10 to 15 days. Keep flats in a warm location and soil lightly moist but not soggy. A cover over the flat can speed germination. Remove it once you see sprouts. If starting mint seeds outdoors, sow seeds on the surface of prepared soil and cover with a light layer of vermiculite. Once seedlings have two sets of true leaves, harden them off and plant them into beds or outdoor containers. Once the little plants are ready to transplant, take containers outdoors and let them acclimate for a week to outdoor conditions before moving them. Water new plants regularly. Ideally, mint needs 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) of water per week during the growing season.


Fill container with soil, sprinkle oregano seeds, recommend to over-seed it because ¼ seeds may not germinate. There’s no need to cover oregano herb seeds with soil. Simply mist them with water and cover the seed tray or container with plastic. Place this in a sunny location to germinate. Oregano seeds usually germinate within about a week or so. Once the seedlings have reached approximately 6 inches (15 cm) tall, the plants can be thinned down to about a foot (30 cm) apart. Oregano plants can be set out or transplanted in the garden once the risk of frost has passed. Locate oregano in areas receiving full sun and in well-drained soil.


Fill your seedling trays with a good quality seed starting medium. Best is  to plant 2-3 seeds per hole, cell, or pellet (whether you’re starting them indoors or outside). If you’re planting the seeds directly into your garden, space the groupings 6 8 (15 – 20 cm) apart. Since they’re so small, you should only plant them about ¼ inch (1 cm) deep. To make sowing them easier, lay them on top of the soil, and then gently press them down to the correct depth. Cover the seeds lightly with soil, and gently press it down. Don’t pack it down too tight, but just enough so that the soil comes in contact with the seeds. Water your seeds with a gentle spray from the hose in your garden, or by pouring water into the trays indoors so you don’t displace the small seeds. If you’re growing parsley seeds indoors, then cover each tray with a plastic lid to keep the soil moist, and help it stay warm too. One thing to keep in mind when you’re growing parsley from seed is that they can take a long time to germinate. Normally it’s anywhere from 14-28 days.


Place the seed onto a well drained base such as sand, vermiculite or very light potting mix. Cover the seed with a little more mix, water lightly and place the container in a warm location or onto a heat mat. Cover the container with plastic wrap until you see the seeds starting to emerge. As soon as you see the tiny rosemary plants starting to grow, it is important to give them a good light source and a warm environment. Do not expect germination of all the seeds as rosemary has a much lower germination rate than some other popular herbs such as basil. Allow the rosemary to grow inside or in a sheltered area outside, until they are about 3 inches (7 cm) high and sturdy enough to handle. If the weather is warm outside, the seedlings can be put into the garden where they will continue to grow. Alternately, pot the seedlings into larger pots so that you do not have to disturb them if you want to bring them indoors for next winter.


Starting sage seeds in peat pots or quart-size pots rather than plastic nursery trays since sage has a deep taproot. Fill selected container with soil –  Plant in well-drained, compost-amended soil. If you’re using clay soil, try mixing in some sand and organic matter. This lightens the soil and helps with drainage. After prepping your soil, you can plant the sage either in pots or in the ground. You can either plant sage plants or plant seeds. If you are transferring a sage plant into the ground, then make sure to plant it at the same level as it was in the pot. If you decide to plant seeds, they should be planted in late spring (in a bed or in a container) about 1/8 inch (0,3 cm) deep and 24 to 30 inches (60 – 76 cm) apart. They will take 10 to 21 days to germinate. When the sage plants are small, you should mist them with water to keep the soil moist. Transplant seedlings out to the garden after the last frost when the soil has warmed.


Seeds of thyme are so tiny, thyme seeds should be sown very shallowly or pressed into the soil with a fine layer sprinkled on top. Better to plant seed in a nursery bed (Picture no. 1) where more attention can be paid to the tiny plants. In the seedbed, plant thyme seeds in early spring with the drills 4 to 6 inches (10 – 12 cm) apart with 5 or 6 seeds per inch (2,5 cm) . Cover the seeds with a dry soil. Mist your seeds with water. Thyme prefers bright light or full sun. You can also choose an east-facing windowsill. Germination is slow taking from 14 to 28 days.


Fill the deep container with soil, add water the soil. Plant a few seeds in each cell, or 1 – 2 inches (2,5 – 5  cm) apart  Cover the seeds with a dry soil. Spinach does best when growing in moist, nitrogen-rich soil. When seeds germinate you need to plant them out 12 – 18 (30 – 45 cm) inches apart. If planting in garden. It’s best to till the soil to a depth of at least 12 inches (30 cm) because spinach has a very deep taproot.

Melissa (Lemon balm )

Choose a large pot that’s at least 6 to 8 inches (15 – 20 cm) deep and wide. Fill pots with a sterilized potting soil. Put few seeds and cover it with pre-sifted soil. Water the lemon balm.  Keep watering to an absolute minimum – just enough to keep the it from drying out. Once a week is just fine. Germination takes 10 – 14 days. Once seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant at a spacing of 18 inch (45 cm) into the garden. Choose a shady spot or a location where plants can be protected from midday sun. Lemon balm prefers a fertile, moist soil in a cooler part of the garden. Plants grown in partial shade will be larger and more succulent than those exposed to full sun.


Choose a pots for lettuce to grow freely – each lettuce plant requires 4–6 inch (10 – 15 cm) of space and a depth of about 8 inches (20 cm). Pots must have holes on the bottom. Place a saucer underneath the pot to catch draining water. Moisten the soil to prepare it for planting, then fill containers with about 3/4 of pot high. Dig a 4 (10 cm) deep hole and place your seeds inside at about 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart. Limit your seeds to 4 per pot to avoid overcrowding the lettuce as it grows. Take a handful of potting soil and gently sprinkle it over the newly-planted seeds. Fill a spray bottle with water and gently mist the seeds to avoid washing them away. Place your containers in a warm location. Check daily for signs of sprouts. Once sprouts appear. If planning to plant in the garden dig holes in rows 16 inches (40.6 cm) apart, just deep enough to plant the root balls underground. Lift the lettuce seedlings from the seed tray and place them into the holes. Gently pat soil around the roots so that the seedlings stay upright, planted to the same depth they were in the trays. Water the seedlings thoroughly.


Choose a pot at least 30 cm wide and position in full sun or part shade. Fill pot with quality potting mix. Sow seeds, cover lightly and water well. Once seedlings appear water regularly to keep the soil moist and this will help encourage more leafy growth. Keep the soil moist and the plants growing well to prevent premature running to seed (bolting). Plants need some shade in hot weather to prevent the leaves from becoming tough and unpalatable. Keep crops weed free and the soil moist. Do not overwater as this dilutes the taste.